
Quality Policy

To develop aesthetically designed, functionally efficient and economically viable residential, commercial buildings and housing societies which reflect engineering excellence and architectural ambience with a view to providing complete customer satisfaction. The quality standard of our product/services should result in giving complete value for money for the clients, as well as foster continuous demand for the products resulting in sustained growth of the organization thereby giving impetus for profitability and all round improvement.

Our Commitment for quality

  1. To provide total customer satisfaction at each stage of the project.
  2. To construct and deliver projects in a stipulated time to emerge as the market leader.
  3. To provide high quality construction at economical cost to customers, thereby gaining their confidence and ensuring profitability.
  4. To ensure maximum utilization of available resources in terms of manpower and material.
  5. To create a culture of continual improvement in the organization through motivation, involvement and training of employees.

Environmental, Health And Safety Policy

IZHAR HOUSING Pvt Ltd is committed to develop residential and non-residential buildings and associated infrastructure, exhibiting a passion for excellence in all its projects. While rendering our buildings, we are committed to strive to make environmental, health and safety (EHS) matters as an integral part of our business.

As a responsible corporate citizen and employer, we commit ourselves to

  • Ensure health and safety of all our employees
  • Protect the Environment against pollution

Therefore, IHPL’s business conduct, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and every activity that we engage in, give primacy to sustainability.

Our Commitment for EHS

  • We, at all levels, shall attach the greatest importance to health and safety of our personnel and of those working on behalf of us, and for protection of the environment.
  • We shall comply with all applicable health, safety, environmental laws/regulations and other requirements to which we subscribe to.
  • We shall encourage, promote, facilitate and train all the employees for observing safe work practices and continuously monitor for its effective implementation.
  • We shall strive constantly towards minimizing all forms of pollution including air, water, noise and solid waste by installing necessary controls and providing good work-conditions.
  • We shall motivate every employee to show concern for personal safety and safety of all fellow-employees.
  • We shall institute adequate management programs to support all the above commitments and continually improve the same.


These Quality and EMS policies are translated into policies and objectives for each of the QMS processes. The effectiveness of implementation shall be monitored through measures of effectiveness (metrics) identified for the processes.

These policies are understood and will be implemented and maintained at all levels within the organization.

These policies and any subsequent modification will be communicated to all employees and to the people working on behalf of IHPL.

Implementation of these policies are primary objective of the IHPL management and the responsibility of all employees.

These policies are reviewed for its continuing suitability in the management review meetings.